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Thursday, September 20, 2007

What we're doing to win in 2008


The 50-State Strategy Organizers
Support the organizers

Dear Friends,

I hope this picture means as much to you as it does to me.

Because if it does -- if you believe in the 50 State Strategy -- you have to ask yourself an important question:

Are you doing everything you can to help these organizers succeed?

An investment in these people means an investment in the frontline of our Party's effort to compete everywhere in 2008. Right now, you can be part of a fundraising effort that demonstrates this commitment to their success. Donate what you can today:


"The 50 State Strategy is dedicated to leaving no county behind, is committed to dedicating resources to getting Democrats elected in parts of the country once thought of as Republican strongholds, and to building an enduring structure to enable grassroots activists to become engaged in the political process to change the direction of the country for the better." -- Jason, an organizer in Virginia

I couldn't have said it better. Jason's work, along with all our organizers, is the sort of work that will pay off on Election Day.

Let me give you four concrete examples of how we're spending your contribution, and how we're going to win back the White House in 2008:

Voter Protection: Organizers are meeting with every election official across the country to make sure that our candidates are prepared. We're building a valuable database that campaigns can use to get out the vote and deal with voter problems now -- not on Election Day.

Rapid Response: Organizers are a key part of our aggressive rapid response program that tracks and researches the Republican presidential candidates everywhere they go -- holding them accountable for everything they say. In addition, we're following the Republican candidates and collecting plenty of material for when we need it.

A National Field Program: Organizers are also building a field program that starts at the grassroots level and works up. Learning from the success of 2006 we're designing a national field effort that will deliver the vote in 2008. While everyone was in Cleveland last month, we worked to consolidate our volunteer databases so that we can set clear benchmarks and goals.

Technology: I mentioned both the voter protection and the volunteer databases, but those are nothing compared to our multi-million dollar voter database. We've had a team working with states for the past three years to assemble the most comprehensive and intelligent voter database the Democratic Party has ever had. It will allow us to run smarter campaigns with less waste.

Here's the bottom line: this sort of operation is what we all want -- but it isn't free. Our organizers are making the most of what we have, but you can help right now with a contribution:


Earlier this week, Governor Dean asked for 2,500 donors to support the organizers across America -- and we're already more than halfway there. Let's show these organizers just how strongly this Party supports them.

Take it from Craig, an organizer in Utah:

"The 50 state strategy is the largest, most comprehensive effort to organize everywhere ever undertaken by a political party in America. I am proud to be a part of it."

If you're as proud as I am, show Craig and the rest of our hard-working organizers in the field that you're behind them:


These folks are busting their tails for our Party -- will you step up and help them?


Tom McMahon
Executive Director

P.S. I recently asked our organizers to share their feedback on the program. There's more than I could put in this email, but I wanted to share some of the highlights:

Bryce in Montana:

"By simply investing money and time early in a state we can make so much possible that we would have never dreamed of during past elections. We saw how in Montana this investment led us to having a Democratic Governor, legislature, 4 of 5 statewide offices, and just recently two Democratic U.S. Senators, with the addition of Sen. Jon Tester."

Jesse in Oregon:

"I am most proud of the work that I did during the 2006 elections. Capitalizing on the work I had done in the previous 5 months with county parties and their activists we ran a volunteer field campaign across the state on a shoestring budget. The counties hit all our goals and helped re-elect the governor and we took back the state house for the first time in over a decade. Our work proved that this program works and that it can win elections for democrats and turn red counties blue.

"This is a program to bring politics back to the people and empower local activists to create and work for a better community, state, country and government to improve the lives of their family and friends, but we can't do it without you."

Anthony in Texas:

"The proudest and most rewarding moments in my job usually come right after I've finished a training when people will come talk to me while I'm packing up. Having someone come tell me about how they haven't had anyone from the Party come visit their county in years and how thankful they are that I'm there... It makes the long drives across the state a whole lot easier when you see how much people appreciate the work we're doing."

You can fund their work:


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