beSpacific - Accurate, focused law and technology news By Sabrina I. Pacifici -
Free weekday coverage on current issues September 26, 2007
Headlines - New GAO Reports: DOD and VA Health Care, Influenza Pandemic, Small Business Contracting, VA IT Realignment
- DHS OIG Letter Report: TSA's Management of Aviation Security Activities at the Jackson-Evers International Airport
- Recent CRS Reports - Defense, Presidential Claims, Arms Sales, Afghanistan
- List of Federal Agency Internet Sites Partnership Renewed
- Court Rules Unconstitutional Two Provisions of FISA
- Dell is First Major Computer Company to go Carbon Neutral
- Selected Estimates Based on Data From the January-March 2007 National Health Interview Survey
- Hearing of Senate Committee On Appropriations - President's FY 2008 Supplemental Request for Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
- National Cyber Security Awareness Month 2007
- Department of Defense Reports on Mental Health Task Force Recommendations
- Google Video Alerts
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New GAO Reports: DOD and VA Health Care, Influenza Pandemic, Small Business Contracting, VA IT Realignment DOD and VA: Preliminary Observations on Efforts to Improve Health Care and Disability Evaluations for Returning Servicemembers, GAO-07-1256T, September 26, 2007 Influenza Pandemic: Opportunities Exist to Clarify Federal Leadership Roles and Improve Pandemic Planning, GAO-07-1257T, September 26, 2007 Medicare Inpatient Hospital Payments: CMS Has Used External Data for New Technologies in Certain Instances and Medicare Remains Primary Data Source, GAO-07-46, September 26, 2007 Small Business Contracting: Observations from Reviews of Contracting and Advocacy Activities of Federal Agencies, GAO-07-1255T, September 26, 2007 Veterans Affairs: Sustained Management Commitment and Oversight Are Essential to Completing Information Technology Realignment and Strengthening Information Security, GAO-07-1264T, September 26, 2007 DHS OIG Letter Report: TSA's Management of Aviation Security Activities at the Jackson-Evers International Airport OIG-07-73 - Letter Report: TSA's Management of Aviation Security Activities at the Jackson-Evers International Airport, August 2007 (PDF, 6 pages), released September 26, 2007. Recent CRS Reports - Defense, Presidential Claims, Arms Sales, Afghanistan Defense: FY2008 Authorization and Appropriations, updated September 17, 2007 Presidential Claims of Executive Privilege: History, Law, Practice and Recent Developments, updated September 17, 2007 Arms Sales: Congressional Review Process, updated September 12, 2007 Afghanistan: Post-War Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy," updated September 10, 2007 Extraterritorial Application of American Criminal Law," updated September 10, 2007 [reports are via FAS] List of Federal Agency Internet Sites Partnership Renewed "GPO is pleased to announce the renewal of its partnership with the Troy H. Middleton Library of Louisiana State University through 2010. Originally signed in 2001, this partnership provides for Federal depository library access to the List of Federal Agency Internet Sites Web site. Based on the U.S. Government Manual, the List directs users to the Web sites of active Federal agencies, and can be searched in several ways. Users can view a hierarchical or an alphabetical list of all agencies. The agencies are also listed by broad category, such as boards/commissions, legislative, and quasi-official. The entire list is searchable by agency keyword as well." Court Rules Unconstitutional Two Provisions of FISA EFF: "Today, Judge Ann Aiken of the Oregon Federal District Court ruled that two provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), "50 U.S.C. §§ 1804 and 1823, as amended by the Patriot Act, are unconstitutional because they violate the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution." Dell is First Major Computer Company to go Carbon Neutral Press release: "Dell today became the first major computer manufacturer to commit to neutralizing the carbon impact of its worldwide operations, a significant extension of its global climate policy and environmental stewardship. "Never before in the history of business have we seen such a critical need to build a worldwide community dedicated to improving the environment," Michael Dell, the company's chairman and CEO, said here today during a policy forum organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies...The company also announced a new program called " Plant a Forest for Me" that enables organizations worldwide to join together with Dell and share best practices, partner and facilitate the planting of millions of trees in sustainably managed reforestation projects. This program is a continuation of the " Plant a Tree for Me" program for consumers." Hearing of Senate Committee On Appropriations - President's FY 2008 Supplemental Request for Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan American Forces Press Service: "President Bush will ask Congress for another $42 billion to fund operations in the war on terror in fiscal 2008, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told the Senate Appropriations Committee today...The request brings the total supplement for fiscal 2008 to $190 billion, Gates said. "I urge the Congress to approve the complete global war on terror request as quickly as possible and without excessive and counterproductive restrictions," the secretary said. "That will help the department manage its expenses and people more effectively and minimize costly reprogramming actions." Watch Hearing on Supplemental War Funding Request Chairman Byrd Opening Statement at Hearing on War Supplemental National Cyber Security Awareness Month 2007 "The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), a consortium of government agencies and private industry sponsors, is proud to designate October 2007 as National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). National Cyber Security Awareness Month is a national campaign designed to increase the public's awareness of cyber security and cyber crime issues so that users can take precautions to avoid these threats on the Internet. The month will feature a number of initiatives including public relations activities, educational programs and events that target Home Users, Small Businesses, Education audiences (K-12 and higher education), and Child Safety online." Department of Defense Reports on Mental Health Task Force Recommendations Press release: "DoD recently sent Congress a corrective action plan to improve mental health care for service members and their families. The plan addresses findings and recommendations presented to DoD by the Task Force on Mental Health in a June 12, 2007, report." Department of Defense Plan to Achieve the Vision of the DoD Task Force on Mental Health: Report to Congress, September 25, 2007 (37 pages, PDF) Google Video Alerts Official Google Blog: "Video Alerts enables you to specify any topics or queries of interest so we can deliver interesting and relevant videos on a daily, weekly, or as-it-happens basis (your choice) to you via email. To start receiving Video Alerts, you can visit the Google Alerts homepage directly or set up the alert during your normal video searches. Videos may come from Google Video, YouTube, or many other video sources on the web."
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