beSpacific - Accurate, focused law and technology news By Sabrina I. Pacifici -
Free weekday coverage on current issues August 21, 2007
Headlines - Committee Asks Agencies about White House "Asset Deployment" Meetings
- Pew Internet Memo: How Gender Influences Health Searches
- Renewable Energy Consumption and Electricity Preliminary 2006 Statistics
- Release of the 9/11 CIA IG Report Executive Summary
- EPA OIG Audits on Exchange Network and Superfund Accounts
- OIG Report - State Medicaid Agencies' Initiatives on Health Information Technology and Health Information Exchange
- Congressional Requests for White House Documents on Domestic Surveillance Rebuffed
- Internet Health Report
- DOT OIG Audit Initiated of FAA's Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast Program
- Google Book Search in Google Earth
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Committee Asks Agencies about White House "Asset Deployment" Meetings House Oversight and Government Reform Committee " Chairman Waxman writes to federal agencies requesting documents about their involvement in White House "asset deployment" meetings held to discuss the use of federal resources to promote the reelection of President Bush and Republicans in Congress. Agencies receiving this request: Departments of Justice, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Treasury, Veterans Affairs, Labor, State, Agriculture, Commerce, Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency, Small Business Administration, General Services Administration, United States Agency for International Development, and the Office of National Drug Control Policy." Letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Pew Internet Memo: How Gender Influences Health Searches "Four data sets from the Pew Internet Project's health research were the basis for a poster presented at the American Psychological Association convention on Sunday [August 19, 2007]. Phyllis Schumacher and Janet Morahan-Martin took the 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004 health surveys and ran the numbers to prove four hypotheses: Women are more likely than men to search online for health information, search for more health topics, seek online support for medical issues, and search on someone else's behalf. Our reports on these data sets had observed the gender difference, but this study proves the case beyond a reasonable doubt." [ Link] Renewable Energy Consumption and Electricity Preliminary 2006 Statistics Energy Information Administration (EIA), Renewable Energy Consumption and Electricity Preliminary 2006 Statistics (08/21/2007): "Preliminary report showing renewable energy provided 7 percent of total U.S. energy consumption in 2006. Total renewable energy market consumption was comprised of biomass, hydroelectricity, geothermal, wind and solar." Release of the 9/11 CIA IG Report Executive Summary Statement to Employees by Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, General Michael V. Hayden on the Release of the 9/11 IG Report Executive Summary, August 21, 2007: "Earlier this month, Congress passed a bill implementing some of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. The legislation, lengthy and complex, includes a provision dealing with the report that CIA's Office of Inspector General prepared on the performance of our agency prior to September 11th. The act gave me 30 days to make available to the public a version of the report's executive summary, declassified to the maximum extent possible. Today, well within deadline, I am releasing that material." Declassified Executive Summary of the Office of Inspector General report, 19 pages, PDF, issued June 2005, approved for release August 2007. Statement by George J. Tenet on C.I.A. Report, August 21, 2007 EPA OIG Audits on Exchange Network and Superfund Accounts 2007-P-00030 Improved Management Practices Needed to Increase Use of Exchange Network [Report PDF, 34 pages] [At a Glance PDF] August 20, 2007 2007-S-00002 Making Better Use of Superfund Special Account Funds for Thermo Chem [Report PDF - 6 pages] [At a Glance PDF] August 20, 2007 Congressional Requests for White House Documents on Domestic Surveillance Rebuffed Follow up to August 20, 2007 posting, White House Fails to Comply With Subpoenas on Domestic Surveillance Program - additional related government documents and news: Letter from Fred Fielding, Counsel to the President, to Chairman Leahy, August 20, 2007 Letter from Shannen W. Coffin, Counsel to the Vice President, to Chairman Leahy, August 20, 2007 Conyers Announces Further Investigation of Warrantless Surveillance Releases Notes from FBI Director Concerning Ashcroft Hospital Incident: "The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert Mueller, has provided the House Judiciary Committee with notes requested by the Committee that he took recounting the circumstances surrounding the dramatic White House efforts to push then-Attorney General John Ashcroft to recertify a warrantless surveillance program that had already been rejected by the Justice Department." Washington Post: "Vice President Cheney's office acknowledged for the first time yesterday that it has dozens of documents related to the administration's warrantless surveillance program, but it signaled that it will resist efforts by congressional Democrats to obtain them. Internet Health Report Internet Health Report, Keynote Systems, "The Mobile and Internet Performance Authority": metrics include Latency, Latency, Network Availability, Packet Loss. DOT OIG Audit Initiated of FAA's Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast Program Audit Initiated of FAA's Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast Program: Automatic Dependent Surveillance - "Broadcast (ADS-B) is a cornerstone technology planned for FAA's Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). This satellite-based technology has significant potential to improve safety and enhance capacity of the National Airspace System by, among other things, providing greater situational awareness to pilots. At the request of the Chairmen of the House Transportation Infrastructure Committee and the House Aviation Subcommittee, we will review FAA's plans for implementing ADS-B. Our objectives are to (1) examine key risks to FAA's successful implementation of ADS-B and (2) assess the strengths and weaknesses of FAA's proposed contracting approach." Related government documents: Federal Aviation Administration: NextGen Financing Reform Act of 2007 (Reauthorization) Statement of Bruce Johnson, VP of Terminal Services, and Steven Zaidman, VP of Technical Operations, Federal Aviation Administration, before the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Aviaton, on the FAA's Aging ATC Facilities: Investigating the Need to Improve Facilities and Worker Conditions, pn July 24, 2007: "...the current air traffic system is built around 1960s radar technology [emphasis added] and is constrained by its limitations. At the time the system was built, each air traffic facility could receive signals from only one radar. That operational limitation required that we build more than 300 air traffic control facilities spread across the country. That number has grown to 526 terminal and en route air traffic control facilities across the country. Out of these, the FAA has responsibility for replacing and transitioning over 400 to NextGen..." Google Book Search in Google Earth Google Lat Long Blog: "...the Google Book Search and Google Earth teams are excited to announce the next step: a new layer in Earth that allows you to explore locations through the lens of the world's books. Now when you turn on the "Google Book Search" layer in Google Earth (found in the "Featured Content" folder in the "Layers" menu), you'll see small book icons scattered around the globe. When you click on one of the book icons, a pop-up balloon will display a snippet of text from one of Book Search's public domain books that references that location. You'll also find links to the Google Book Search page for that snippet so that you can learn more about what it has to say about the city or town."
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