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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Weekly Update - Bush Malpractice - Censoring America's Top Doc - Democrats for America's Future - 07.11.07

Democrats for America's Future

Here are the brand new highlights from the public area of the Democrats for America's Future ...

Republican Outrage of the Week

BUSH MALPRACTICE - CENSORING AMERICA'S TOP DOC - Is there no end to how far the Bush White House will go in betraying the American public? Now we find that political appointees working for the White House censored and otherwise handcuffed former U.S. Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona on nearly every major public health issue of the day ...

Plain Talk for Democrats

REP. WEXLER: TIME TO CENSURE BUSH - New Jersey Congressman Robert Wexler has had enough of the coverups, lies and other gross misconduct that are an everyday part of the Bush White House culture of corruption ...

Key Issues to Watch

AMERICA SEES LIBBY COVERUP FOR WHAT IT IS - Americans aren't being duped by the Bush White House any more. When asked about the President's recent move to buy the silence of former Cheney aide "Scooter" Libby, a strong majority of Americans voted thumbs down ...

Do you think President Bush should keep telling his current and former aides to stonewall Congress about White House scandals ... or should he come clean and tell America what really happened? Take our poll ...

BUSH, GOP TURN THEIR BACKS ON UNINSURED KIDS- It's a scandalous situation: Nine million American kids have no health insurance. Now, Republicans are doing everything they can to keep those children from getting the basic medical attention they need and deserve...

BUSH SINKS TO NIXON'S WORST POLL NUMBERS - President Bush is now held by Americans in the same low esteem they once reserved for Watergate crook Richard Nixon.


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