Tomorrow, with a single stroke of his cruel veto pen, President Bush will dash the hopes of millions of Americans seeking cures through the miracle of stem cell research.
By vetoing a bill that expands stem cell research, the President will say "No" to the more than 70 percent of Americans who support it, "No" to our Democratic Congress' fight for progress, and "No" to saving lives and to potential cures for diseases such as diabetes and Parkinson's.
He will say "No" to hope.Unfortunately, this is an all-too-familiar pattern in Washington these days. Once again, Democrats are offering the American people hope and progress, while a stubborn President responds with roadblocks.
Phillip, I promise you that the debate and the fight is not over on stem cell research, on the war in Iraq, and on holding this President and his Administration accountable. To make lasting progress for America, we will need to strengthen and expand our Majority in 2008. We need both a Democrat in the White House and a strong Democratic Majority in Congress. The single best thing you can do today is to help elect more Democrats by contributing to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)'s
Million Dollar Challenge before our critical FEC deadline June 30th.
Contribute $35, $50 or more today to help strengthen our Democratic Majority. House Democrats are offering to match your gift 2-to-1 tripling the impact of your gift to our Million Dollar Challenge before June 30th.After just six months of a Democratic Congress, our country is more secure, we are fulfilling our promise to our veterans, hard-working Americans are earning a higher minimum wage, and the President is finally being held accountable. None of this would have happened without you.
We know it will take more than six months to reverse the damage of six and a half years of the Bush Administration's failed policies. Our Democratic Majority has taken the critical first steps to correct 12 years of the Republican Congress' unconscionable neglect. Will you help us take another critical step to take our country in a New Direction?
Contribute $35, $50 or more today to help strengthen our Democratic Majority. House Democrats are offering to match your gift 2-to-1 tripling the impact of your gift to our Million Dollar Challenge before June 30th.Thank you for your continued support.

Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House of Representatives
P.S. In my 20 years in Congress, I cannot remember having a better opportunity than we have right now to guarantee a better country for our children. You have brought us to this moment and I am forever grateful for what you have done. In order to continue our fight for a New Direction and ensure lasting change, we must have both a Democrat in the White House and a strong Democratic Majority.
Contribute $35, $50 or more today and your gift will be matched 2-to-1.
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