Dear friend,
A good foreign policy is critical to safeguarding our security and ensuring the continued prosperity of our nation.
In only six years, the Bush Administration's misguided foreign policy has significantly weakened America's position in the world. As a former Secretary of State, I am too concerned about the direction of our country to stay silent. We absolutely must repair our nation's tarnished reputation and once again become a source of inspiration and hope around the world.
In order to bring real change to our foreign policy, we need both a Democrat in the White House and a strong Democratic Majority in Congress.
You can help make this a reality by contributing to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) the only organization solely dedicated to strengthening the Democratic House Majority before the critical June 30th FEC deadline. Contribute $35, $50 or more to reach our Million Dollar goal before June 30th and House Democrats will match your contribution 2-1. We must restore the policies that are based on the pillars of strength on which America was founded. We need accountable, responsible leaders that exercise the highest moral principles when it comes to foreign policy: a commitment to democracy, law and human rights. When President Clinton appointed me as the first woman Secretary of State, I worked to ensure that our foreign policy continued to strengthen our security and foster stability around the world. Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has taken a very different approach. The President's policies have cost our nation dearly.
The President's approach has failed as badly in dealing with our allies as it has with our enemies. The job of the next President and the next Congress will be to restore America's good name and our moral authority.Thanks to your help last November in electing a Democratic Majority, we have already taken the critical first steps. But Democrats need your help to continue the fight.
Contribute $35, $50 or more to reach our Million Dollar goal before June 30th and House Democrats will match your contribution 2-1. Over the past half century, America has been most successful when we have inspired our allies instead of alienating them, lived up to our ideals instead of undermining them, and emphasized what our country is for instead of what it is against. We need to return to that kind of leadership to keep America safe, our country respected and our future secure.
Your support will be even more valuable if you can help before the critical June 30th fundraising deadline. The political pundits and the media pay close attention to the second quarter fundraising total. They use it to gauge the strength of our party and as an indication of how strongly Americans back the Democrats' agenda for change.
I hope we can count on your continued support. Sincerely,
Madeleine K. Albright
Former Secretary of State
P.S.There are only 3 days remaining before the critical June 30th fundraising deadline. The political pundits and the media will use the second quarter fundraising total to gauge how strongly the American people support change.
Contribute $35, $50 or more to reach our Million Dollar goal before June 30th and House Democrats will match your contribution 2-1.
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