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Free weekday coverage on current issues June 20, 2007
Headlines - Council of Economic Advisors Report on Immigration's Economic Impact
- Hearing on Investigating Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities at the Department of Homeland Security
- Microsoft Complies With Vista Browser Choice Option
- Amended Copy of AG's Report to the President on Executive Order 13,392
- FBI Posts Online Case Files on Watergate
- Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Published
- White Paper on Economic Consequences of Gasoline "Price Gouging" Legislation
- GAO Releases Report Critical of EPA's 9/11 Cleanup
- Links to Live and Archived Blogs from the U.S. Government Portal
- Pew Survey of American Adults and Use of Gadgets
Council of Economic Advisors Report on Immigration's Economic Impact Council of Economic Advisors, June 20, 2007: Immigration's Economic Impact: "In 2006, foreign-born workers accounted for 15% of the U.S. labor force, and over the last decade they have accounted for about half of the growth in the labor force. That immigration has fueled U.S. macroeconomic growth is both uncontroversial and unsurprising more total workers yield more total output. That immigrant workers benefit from working in the United States is also uncontroversial and unsurprising few would come here otherwise." Immigration's Economic Impact, June 20, 2007 Hearing on Investigating Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities at the Department of Homeland Security Hacking the Homeland: Investigating Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities at the Department of Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, Cybersecurity, and Science and Technology, Wednesday, June 20, 2007. [ links to prepared statements, testimony and relevant correspondence] Information Security: Homeland Security Needs to Enhance Effectiveness of Its Program, GAO-07-1003T, June 20, 2007. "To protect and mitigate threats and attacks against the United States, 22 federal agencies and organizations were merged to form the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2002. One of the department's components, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), is responsible for securing the nation's borders. DHS and CBP rely on a variety of computerized information systems to support their operations and assets. GAO has reported for many years that poor information security is a widespread problem with potentially devastating consequences. In reports to Congress since 1997, GAO has identified information security as a governmentwide high-risk issue. In this testimony, GAO discusses DHS's information security program and computer security controls for key information systems. GAO based its testimony on agency, inspector general, and GAO issued and draft reports on DHS information security." Microsoft Complies With Vista Browser Choice Option Press release: Justice Department Files Joint Status Report on Microsoft's Compliance with the Final Judgments: "The Department of Justice told the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia [June 19, 2007] that it has reached an agreement with Microsoft Corporation to resolve a complaint by Google regarding Microsoft's desktop search function in Windows Vista. In a joint filing with the court, the Department, 17 state Attorneys General, and the District of Columbia said that the agreement, which aims to promote user choice, will resolve any issues the complaint may raise under the final judgments." Joint Status Report on Microsoft's Compliance with the Final Judgments (06/19/2007): "2. Complaint Regarding Desktop Search: Plaintiffs have previously reported that they were investigating a middleware-related complaint. This complaint, filed by Google, relates to the desktop search functionality in Windows Vista that enables users to search for files located on their computer. This desktop search functionality in Vista, referred to as "Instant Search" in Microsoft's promotional materials, allows users to enter a search query into a text box and receive a list of results from the user's hard drive that contain the search term, either in the name of the file or program, in the full text of the file, or in the keywords associated with that file. The desktop search functionality relies on an index that is updated whenever files on the computer change. The use of an index enables the quick return of search results, as Windows can run the search query against the index and obtain the results, rather than having to search every file on the computer for the search term every time the user conducts a search. Google's complaint contends that desktop search in Windows Vista is a new "Microsoft Middleware Product" under the Final Judgments. The complaint contends that Microsoft has violated the Final Judgment by failing to adhere to the requirements of Section III.C and Section III.H as it pertains to this new Microsoft Middleware Product. After completing their investigation of the complaint, Plaintiffs worked together to reach an agreement by Microsoft with the goal of promoting user and OEM choice for desktop search in Windows Vista. Plaintiffs are collectively satisfied that this agreement will resolve any issues the complaint may raise under the Final Judgments, provided that Microsoft implements it as promised." Amended Copy of AG's Report to the President on Executive Order 13,392 Attorney General's Report to the President on Executive Order 13,392 (June 1, 2007). This report is now available electronically on the Department of Justice's FOIA Web site here. The accessible version which is in compliance with Section 508 of the Disabilities Act is available here. (posted 6/8/07; supplemented 6/20/07). "In the Executive Order, the President directed the head of each Executive Branch agency to designate a senior official (at the Assistant Secretary level or equivalent) to serve as that agency's Chief FOIA Officer. So as to ensure a citizen-centered approach to responding to FOIA requests, the Order also directed each agency to establish one or more FOIA Requester Service Centers and to designate one or more FOIA Public Liaisons. The Service Centers would "serve as the first place that a FOIA requester can contact to seek information concerning the status of the person's FOIA request and appropriate information about the agency's FOIA response." The Liaisons would "serve as supervisory officials to whom a FOIA requester can raise concerns about the service the FOIA requester has received from the Center." In addition, the Liaisons would "seek to ensure a service-oriented response to FOIA requests and FOIA-related inquiries," and would "assist, as appropriate, in reducing delays, increasing transparency and understanding of the status of requests, and resolving disputes." FBI Posts Online Case Files on Watergate "The FBI investigated the break-in of the Democratic National Committee Headquarters (DNCH) that occurred on June 17, 1972, at the Watergate Complex in Washington, D.C. A security guard discovered evidence of illegal activity and the hidden electronic listening devices in the conference room area of the DNCH, which violated the Federal Interception of Communications Law. The ensuing investigation led to the Executive branch cover-up of the crime and, ultimately, to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon on August 9, 1974." Part 1 (123 pages, PDF) Part 2 (20 pages, PDF) Related postings on Watergate Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Published Press release: "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Department of State (DOS) announced today the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for the land and sea portion of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), a core 9/11 Commission recommendation. Proposed rules require a passport or other secure document denoting citizenship and identity for all land and sea travel into the United States." Land and Sea Notice of Proposed Rulemaking White Paper on Economic Consequences of Gasoline "Price Gouging" Legislation Council of Economic Advisors, June 20, 2007: "The Nation's drivers, the Administration, and Members of Congress are rightfully concerned about high gasoline prices and the burden high prices impose on families and businesses, particularly on those low-income households least able to adjust to high prices. All policymakers firmly oppose any anticompetitive practices perpetrated by firms. Any instances of illegal collective anticompetitive action can and should be vigorously fought by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and, if criminal conduct is involved, by the Department of Justice." A White Paper on The Economic Consequences of Gasoline "Price Gouging" Legislation, June 20, 2007" GAO Releases Report Critical of EPA's 9/11 Cleanup Subcommittee on Superfund and Environmental Health hearing entitled, EPA's Response to 9-11 and Lessons Learned for Future Emergency Preparedness. Wednesday, June 20, 2007. Related government documents: World Trade Center: Preliminary Observations on EPA's Second Program to Address Indoor Contamination, GAO-07-806T, June 20, 2007 "The September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) turned Lower Manhattan into a disaster site. As the towers collapsed, Lower Manhattan was blanketed with building debris and combustible materials. This complex mixture created a major concern: that thousands of residents and workers in the area would now be exposed to known hazards in the air and in the dust, such as asbestos, lead, glass fibers, and pulverized concrete. In May 2002, New York City formally requested federal assistance to address indoor contamination. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted an indoor clean and test program from 2002 to 2003. Several years later, after obtaining the views of advisory groups, including its Inspector General and an expert panel, EPA announced a second test and clean program in December 2006. Program implementation is to begin later in 2007, more than 5 years after the disaster. GAO's testimony, based on preliminary work evaluating EPA's development of its second program, addresses (1) EPA's actions to implement recommendations from the expert panel and its Inspector General, (2) the completeness of information EPA provided to the public in its second plan, and (3) EPA's assessment of available resources to conduct the program. We discussed the issues we address in this statement with EPA." PHOTO GALLERY: EPA's Response to 9-11 and Lessons Learned for Future Emergency Preparedness, June 20, 2007 Links to Live and Archived Blogs from the U.S. Government Portal Via, find active and archived blogs from U.S. federal agencies. Currently linking to 10 active sites, including Library of Congress Blog, Pandemic Flu Leadership Blog, and Health Marketing Musings. Pew Survey of American Adults and Use of Gadgets Pew Internet and American Life Project: "Fully 85% of American adults use the internet or cell phones and most use both. Many also have broadband connections, digital cameras and video game systems. Yet the proportion of adults who exploit the connectivity, the capacity for self expression, and the interactivity of modern information technology is a modest 8%." A Typology of Information and Communication Technology Users (65 pages, PDF)
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