beSpacific - Accurate, focused law and technology news Headlines By Sabrina I. Pacifici - Free weekday coverage on current issues June 12, 2007
SPONSOR>>>>People Finder Report on Westlaw® What will People Finder Report on Westlaw® tell you about a person? As much as you want. Searching is simple and accurate. Start with what you know about a person, run one search for all available information, and get a professional-looking report to document what you found. Visit for a free online tour. Subcommittee Asks GAO to Investigate New FBI Center Designed to Amass Records on Citizens Press release: "The leaders of the House Committee on Science and Technology's Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight have asked the Government Accountability Office (GAO) [copy of the letter] to investigate the proposed creation of a new federal facility aimed at identifying terrorists. The Subcommittee is concerned that, without the proper safeguards in place, billions of personal records that will be stored there may be vulnerable to theft or abuse. The FBI is currently seeking $12 million to develop a new, mammoth, data-mining center that will collect billions of records on individuals suspected of terrorist connections over the next few years. The new National Security Branch Analysis Center (NSAC) proposed in the Department of Justice's FY2008 budget justification document, will include 90,000 square feet of office space and a total of 59 staff, including 23 contractors and five FBI agents. "Documents predict the NASC will include six billion records by FY2012. This amounts to 20 separate 'records' for each man, woman and child in the United States," wrote the Subcommittee leaders." GAO Evaluates Talking Books for the Blind Program Talking Books for the Blind, GAO-07-871R, June 12, 2007. Marine-Base Housing Contained Drinking Water Contaminated with Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) for Nearly 30 Years Says Federal Health Agency Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Press Release, June 12, 2007: "Water in the drinking water system for the Tarawa Terrace family housing area at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, affecting possibly 75,000 residents, was contaminated with tetrachloroethylene (PCE), a dry cleaning solvent, during the period November 1957 through February 1987, an analysis by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) concludes." FDA Implementing Initiative to Reduce Tomato-Related Foodborne Illnesses Press release: "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will begin a multi-year Tomato Safety Initiative to reduce the incidence of tomato-related foodborne illness in the United States...The Tomato Safety Initiative complements the Leafy Greens Initiative launched in 2006." Anti-phishing Research Group at Indiana University "The anti-phishing research group at Indiana University,, is striving to understand, detect and prevent online fraud, and in particular, to reduce the economic viability of phishing attacks. We achieve this goal through a cross-disciplinary research agenda in which we consider all facets of the problem, ranging from psychological aspects and technology matters to legal issues and interface design considerations. We are attuned to needs and concerns within the financial sector, among privacy advocates, and of common users, and are dedicated to turning the tide." International Forum to Share Best Practices in Utilizing Performance Information OMB and the Council for Excellence in Government Host International Forum to Share Best Practices in Utilizing Performance Information (June 12, 2007) Topic(s): E-Government Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism From the State Department: The Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism - Pakistan Endorses the U.S.-Russia-led Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (6/11/07) 31% - Campaign Watchers on the Net Pew Research Center DataBank, June 12, 2007: "Nearly a third (31%) of American adults used the internet during the 2006 campaign to get political news and information and discuss the races through email; the number of Americans using the internet as their main source of political material doubled since the last mid-term election in 2002." Topic(s): Internet Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Yearbook 2007 "The Yearbook is SIPRI's annual compendium of data and analysis of developments in security and conflicts, military spending and armaments and non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. The SIPRI Yearbook 2007: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security was launched at a press conference on 11 June 2007." Topic(s): Knowledge Management CBO Reports: Current Accounting Deficit, Effectiveness of Medical Treatments, Medicare's Spending for Physicians' Services 2007 Trafficking in Persons Report Released "The purpose of this Report is to call the world's attention to the existence of modern-day slavery, and the desperate need to eliminate it the same way the world ended the African slave trade more than a century ago. Human trafficking plagues every country including the United States. The Report covers 164 countries and territories, together comprising 85 percent of the world. It ranks 151 countries and territories where some 100 cases of human trafficking or more have been identified. It spells out what countries are doing on prosecution, protection, and prevention, and what more we can do together on all three fronts." Search beSpacific archives back to September 2002 at Copyright ©2002-2007 BeSpacific® LLC. All Rights Reserved. BeSpacific® LLC, P.O. Box 3554, Silver Spring, Maryland 20918 |
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