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Thursday, April 19, 2007
LWV | DC Voting Rights
LWV | DC Voting Rights: "DC Voting Rights"
DC Voting Rights
Take Action!
ACTION ALERT: House to Vote on DC Voting Rights!
Citizens of the District of Columbia have no representation in the U.S. Senate and only a nonvoting delegate in the U.S. House of Representatives. A basic principle of democracy is at stake. U.S. citizens living in the capital of the free world deserve to have full voting representation in the bodies that make their laws, tax them and call them to war.
The Latest!
ACTION ALERT: House to Vote on DC Voting Rights! - Mar 16, 2007
The House is set to vote on DC Voting Rights next week! Click here to tell your representative to support fair representation for all.
League Applauds Bipartisan Action on DC Voting Rights - Mar 15, 2007
The League today strongly applauded the passage of the DC House Voting Rights Act in two House committees, and urged all members of Congress to pass this historic legislation when it reaches the House floor.
League Calls on House Leadership to put DC Voting Rights to a Vote - Feb 14, 2007
The League has issued this statement urging the House leadership to take immediate action on securing voting rights for citizens of Washington, DC.
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