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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Local Heroes

John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry
Share your story

Dear Phillip,

During the campaign and since then, we have talked to Americans from coast to coast about the environment and the critical challenge we all face in protecting the earth for future generations.

From those conversations the idea emerged that we should write a book, This Moment on Earth, which we hope will help spark a new conversation about ways that everyday Americans from all walks of life can have an impact on the environment around them.

The stories have inspired and moved us. Our hope is that they lead all of us to question the way things are, and look for small but significant ways that each of us can make a positive contribution to this new environmental movement.

Here's where you come in: We'd love to hear from you. Please take a moment and send us your stories about people you know -- even yourself -- who have found ways to make the world a greener place. They don't have to be famous and they don't even have to consider themselves environmentalists. They just need to be people with the imagination and courage to envision the world as a better place. We can't wait to read about their stories and we look forward to hearing from you.

Tell us your stories. Nominate a neighbor to be among the ranks of the New Environmentalists

It was 1970 when the first Earth Day was held. Over the more than thirty-five years since, it's become a day when we recommit ourselves to the environment and look for ways to broaden the movement. In our own ways we've both dedicated ourselves to this issue -- from efforts to fight acid rain, to joining in hearings on global warming, to helping to bring green building efforts in Pittsburgh and elsewhere to the forefront. We feel passionately about this issue and hope that this book sparks a new national dialogue about our planet and the steps we must take if we are to preserve it for future generations.

Learn more about our book.


John Kerry Teresa Heinz Kerry

Paid for by John Kerry for Senate.
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