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Friday, February 16, 2007

Weekly Update: Here We Go Again - WMD Hustle 2.0 - Democrats for America's Future - 02.16.07

Democrats for America's Future

Here are the brand new highlights from the public area of the Democrats for America's Future ...

Republican Outrage of the Week

HERE WE GO AGAIN - WMD HUSTLE 2.0 - President Bush is hard at work cooking up a new set of phony facts to sell Americans on going to war against another Middle Eastern nation: Iran. Too bad he didn't let his Joint Chief of Staff in on the scam to bamboozle the public into swallowing the lies leading up to another unwinnable war ...

Plain Talk for Democrats

GEORGE MILLER - CONGRESS MUST SHIELD WORKERS - Congressman George Miller isn't going to let a little thing like a White House veto threat stop him from doing the right thing to protect the rights of American working men and women ...

Key Issues to Watch

LET'S FACE FACTS ON IRAQ - William E. Odom, a former head of Army Intelligence and director of the National Security Administration says America has to stop kidding itself. It's over; President Bush has bungled the war in Iraq so badly that there is no prospect of winning ...

Do you agree with the U.S. House of Representatives vote against escalating the war in Iraq? Take our poll ...

KEEP THAT HALF TRILLION DOLLARS HOME - America could put aside nearly half a trillion dollars for needed domestic programs by starting a phased withdrawal from Iraq now ...

AMERICANS DON'T BUY THE BUSH PLAN FOR UNENDING WAR - Congratulations, typical American! You have not been hoodwinked into buying the White House propaganda about the supposed need for an endless war in the Middle East ...


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