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By Sabrina I. Pacifici -
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January 25, 2007
Headlines - PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government, January 2007
- State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System
- Google Video Search Now Includes Results from YouTube
- Conference on Energy Markets in the 21st Century: Competition Policy in Perspective
- Call for Expanded DOJ OIG Investigation into NSA Surveillance Program
- Joint Economic Committee Report on President's Health Care Proposal
- Health Information Technology Initiative Major Accomplishments: 2004-2006
- Library Workflow Redesign: Six Case Studies
- Analysis of CBO's Budget and Economic Outlook
PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government, January 2007 Public Policy Institute of California Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government, January 2007. This is the 74th PPIC Statewide Survey and the 21st in the Californians and Their Government series. It is made possible with funding from The James Irvine Foundation. [40 pages, PDF]
State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System "The State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System is an electronic data warehouse containing up-to-date and historical state-level data on tobacco use prevention and control. The STATE System is designed to integrate many data sources to provide comprehensive summary data and facilitate research and consistent data interpretation. The STATE System was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Office on Smoking and Health (OSH), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion...The main topic areas presently being offered are Behaviors, Demographics, Economics, Environment, Funding, Health Consequences and Costs, and Legislation."
Google Video Search Now Includes Results from YouTube Press release: "Starting today, YouTube video results will appear in the Google Video search index: when users click on YouTube thumbnails, they will be taken to to experience the videos. Over time, Google Video will become even more comprehensive as it evolves into a service where users can search for the world's online video content, irrespective of where it may be hosted."
Conference on Energy Markets in the 21st Century: Competition Policy in Perspective "The Federal Trade Commission, which enforces the federal antitrust laws and is also the federal consumer protection enforcement agency, will host a conference in Washington, DC, on April 10-12, 2007, to explore a range of energy issues of importance to American consumers and to the United States and world markets. The three-day conference, which is free and open to the public, is titled Energy Markets in the 21st Century: Competition Policy in Perspective, and will bring together leading experts from the government, industries in the energy sector, consumer groups, and academia to exchange information and ideas about critical issues related to energy development, transportation, marketing, and use." [ Agenda in PDF]
Call for Expanded DOJ OIG Investigation into NSA Surveillance Program Press release: "One week after U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced that the NSA warrantless surveillance program would soon be subject to the approval of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and several of his House colleagues, including House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) today called on the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) Inspector General to expand his investigation of the program. Hinchey, Waxman, and three other House Democrats today sent a letter [text of which is included in this press release] to Inspector General Glenn Fine, asking him to determine why the Bush administration suddenly reversed its policy and allowed the NSA spy program to be subject to FISC approval."
Analysis of CBO's Budget and Economic Outlook House Budget Committee, Democrats: CBO Forecasts Continued Fiscal Deterioration, January 24, 2007 - "While any improvement in the deficit is a welcome development, today's report from CBO is no cause for a declaration of victory. When the surplus in Social Security is excluded, as it should be, the deficit for this year's budget is $362 billion, and it hovers in this range through 2011."
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