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Friday, February 19, 2010

Rock the Vote: new online voter registration tool!


Dear Phillip,

Online Voter RegistrationRock the Vote is launching a new voter registration tool!

Last year, you were part of the largest young voter registration drive in history. We hope that you will continue to be an active partner and provide this new and improved registration tool to your members, volunteers, readers, viewers, listeners, activists, students, friends . . . whoever is part of your community. In less than five minutes, you can have a button on your website, blog, Facebook, or MySpace profile and start registering voters. (If you are still using the old tool, you'll want to replace it with this one.)

We only have a couple more weeks to register voters before the 2009 elections, so here's what you need to do:

  • Go to www.rockthevote.com/partner and sign up.
  • After you sign up, you will be taken to an all-new partner portal where you can customize the tool -- including adding your logo and customizing survey questions -- and get code for a button to paste on your site just like you would with a YouTube video. Once you paste the code on your site, you'll see a button appear.
  • Now anyone can register to vote through your website. When a visitor clicks on the button, they will be taken to a secure voter registration wizard that will take them through the registration process. The step-by-step wizard will guide users to provide the information required by their state, create a PDF of the voter registration form that users can print, sign, and send to their Secretary of State (the address is provided). Rock the Vote will send a reminder email, with the PDF attached, to everyone who fills out the form.

The Rock the Vote tool is the simplest and most effective online voter registration tool available.

What's new and great?

  • Enhanced partner "dashboard" that provides easy-to-see statistics about who is using the tool to register and easy-to-download data. You are in control of your voter registration data.
  • An improved step-by-step wizard that provides state-specific information and reduces errors that keep people off the rolls.
  • Ability to customize survey questions that appear at the end of the registration process.
  • Simplified ability to add your logo to the registration tool and to sign up volunteers to your email and mobile lists.

This is just phase one. After the 2009 elections, we'll go back under the hood to add even more features, so we will be in touch about your experiences with the tool and enhancements you would like to see. Questions? Please send an email to voterregisteration@rockthevote.com or contact Thomas Bates at 206-409-1697.

We are really looking forward to working with you.


P.S. Rock the Vote has also developed a comprehensive Election Center for the 2009 elections. It is a great resource, so please use it and spread it around: http://www.rockthevote.com/election-center.

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