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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rove-Style Republican Convention

Dear Phillip,

I am back from Denver and am preparing for the GOP convention (breaking out
my hip waders to get through all the bull.)

But I had to write. Midnight tonight is the first FEC reporting deadline
after the Democratic Convention ends. Believe me, the press and the
Republican candidates will be pouring over our end-of-August numbers.
They'll see the first post-Convention financial reports as a test of our
commitment to Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Democratic House candidates. We
have hours left to show them what we are made of - to show the Minnesota
Twins, Bush and McCain, that their Rove-style Republican Convention isn't
going to blunt our momentum.

Contribute $35, $50, or more before MIDNIGHT and your gift will be matched
3-to-1 at http://www.dccc.org/convdeadline2

Sent Wirelessly

To make sure you always get our emails add dccc@dccc.org to your address
book. Find out more about adding us to your address book here.

Paid for by Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 863-1500 http://www.dccc.org
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Contributions to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are not tax

Deadline: Tomorrow

Obama for America
Over the last week this race has been transformed.

Barack named Joe Biden as his running mate, and they accepted the Democratic nomination at our historic open convention in Denver.

Our team is complete, and our movement is growing rapidly. But now we are facing our first major challenge together.

The August financial reporting deadline is tomorrow at midnight, and we have an opportunity to show that a campaign funded by ordinary people can go toe-to-toe with the Washington lobbyists and special interests lined up behind John McCain and the Republican Party.

Make a donation of $15 or more before midnight tomorrow, and you'll receive a first edition Obama-Biden car magnet.

Get one of the first Obama-Biden car magnets


Obama for America

P.S. -- The deadline is midnight tomorrow, August 31st. Make your online donation now:



Paid for by Obama for America



Rock the Vote

Get your 11.04.08 T-ShirtDear Phillip,

81.6 percent of registered 18-29 year olds turned out to vote in 2004.

13.3 million 18-29 years olds don't have health insurance.

1,049,398 17-29 year olds have served in Iraq or Afghanistan.

11.04.08 is the day that young people of America will decide their future.

We've literally plastered Denver with these numbers. Politicians, delegates and convention goers can't walk down the street without seeing the power of the youth vote and knowing our issues. 

You can help spread the word.  Buy a Rock the Vote 11.04.08 tee-shirt today. Let everyone in Washington know that the largest young voter movement is building this year. We are large in number, engaged, and we demand attention to our issues.

Next week, we're going to the RNCC and from there we're going nonstop until we've registered two million young voters and turned out tens of millions to the polls.

It's time to make history. It's time to rock the vote.

Join us.

Heather Smith

-- Heather

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© Copyright 2008 Rock the Vote

Honored to Make History



Dear Friend,

I'm honored and humbled to join this historic campaign as John McCain's running mate. I feel privileged to join a man I admire and the man I know is ready to lead our country as the next president.

Join the McCain - Palin Team Today! Some of life's greatest opportunities come unexpectedly, and this is certainly the case for me. I never set out to run for office. But life has taken me on a course that first led to the Alaska Governor's office and now the country's first female Republican vice presidential candidate.

I want you to know that John McCain and I will challenge the status quo in Washington. We're ready to address our nation's great challenges - from reducing our dependence on foreign oil to cutting wasteful spending and creating good jobs for Americans. I look forward to working with him to achieve every goal he has set out during this campaign to improve the lives of all Americans.

As the mother of a son serving in the U.S. Army and the commander of Alaska's National Guard, there is no doubt in my mind that John McCain is prepared to serve as our next Commander in Chief.

What I admire most about John McCain is his unwavering ability to put our country first and to ask for nothing in return for his decades of service. He's shown his resolve, toughness and strength of heart in the darkest of places; all in service to his country. This speaks volumes about the type of selfless leadership John McCain will bring to the White House.

Our team is ready to lead the country as the next President and Vice President of the United States. We're ready to win in November and we won't be able to do it without your support. If you want change in Washington, then John McCain and I are asking for your support. Please join our team today!


Governor Sarah Palin

P.S. Now is your opportunity to get involved and join our team. I'm proud to be John McCain's running mate and I'm ready pitch in and do my part to win in November. And that means asking you for a campaign contribution. Senators Obama and Biden have amassed a massive war chest - with hundreds of millions of dollars aimed at defeating me and John McCain. Will you help our campaign by making a generous donation today? Any amount you can give will go a long way in helping our ticket. Your support is appreciated. Thank you.

Join Our 

Team Send to 

Friends Contribute


Paid for by John McCain 2008

August 29, 2008 Newsletter

Issue 15

  The REAL Inconvenient Truth

Currently, the U.S. Debt is estimated at: $9,394,354,380,955.73

Your share of today's public debt is: $30,891.15

  Leading the Charge toward Energy Independence

Every August, Sen. Voinovich joins thousands of Ohio families at the fair to celebrate the best of Ohio. This year, however, Sen. Voinovich is deeply concerned about the economic crisis currently hurting our nation. And if you are looking for the root of the pain you don't have to look any further than your home energy bill or your local gas station. Ohio families cannot ignore rising gasoline prices so, this year at the fair, Sen. Voinovich set out to talk to real Ohioans about the impact high gas prices are having on their lives. He is concerned that our way of life and our national security are being threatened by our reliance on foreign sources of energy and our inability to craft a comprehensive energy strategy. That is why he has been calling for a "Second Declaration of Independence," independence from foreign sources of energy, while pushing his colleagues in the Senate to harmonize our energy, economic, environmental and national security needs. This summer he went on a "High Gas Prices Tour" throughout the state to visit with Ohioans and share some of his work on this alarming problem we face as a nation. Over the past month, he has stopped in Cleveland, Canton, Delaware, Mansfield, Marion, Gallipolis and Marysville to share some statistics about the impact high gas prices are having on Ohio families and the economy. The Ohio State Fair was its most recent stop, and there he discussed how Ohio's two leading industries – manufacturing and agriculture – are working together to create Ohio's emerging bioproducts industry. This collaboration, along with other exciting public-private partnerships, will be a win-win for Ohio and help the state become an undisputed leader in the innovation of materials from renewable resources.

  Helping Ohio Companies Create Jobs

Ever since he left the governor's office, Sen. Voinovich has watched thousands of good-paying manufacturing jobs leave the great state of Ohio, and families have been left in crisis. He has been working hard in Washington trying figure out new ways to help state officials reverse that trend. Recently, he achieved a big win for Ohio businesses when President Bush signed into law an amendment Sen. Voinovich authored that promises to help struggling businesses make new investments, expand operations and create jobs. The Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 included his amendment to provide tax relief to the very companies that are hurting the most in Ohio. It allows companies operating at a loss the option of claiming their accumulated alternative minimum tax and research and development tax credits if they use the funds to make new capital investments and create new jobs. But time is running out – this provision expires at the end of 2008 and Sen. Voinovich hopes that every eligible company takes advantage of it. While this is indeed a big win, Sen. Voinovich knows our work is far from done and he is pursuing even more initiatives to improve the competitiveness of U.S. and Ohio businesses. This work is in the areas of corporate tax reform, energy independence, Intellectual Property rights and workforce development. He is very concerned about our country and the ability of our businesses to compete in a global economy and will continue to work hard to build an infrastructure of competitiveness so that Ohio businesses can prosper and create jobs for hardworking Ohioans.

  Ensuring Smooth, Safe Travel

Sen. Voinovich has long encouraged the Department of Homeland Security, as well as the Department of State, to increase public awareness campaigns and outreach regarding the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) so travelers understand the initiative and are prepared with the documents they need at their time of travel. Recently, the senator hosted a town hall meeting at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland with U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on implementation of WHTI. As a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Senate Foreign Relations Committees, Sen. Voinovich has played a leading role in efforts to ensure the smooth implementation of WHTI. WHTI requires travelers to present a document when flying internationally and will require everyone to present a document when entering the United States at land and sea ports of entry starting June 1, 2009. This rule will affect everyone, including those who cross the northern border frequently for business and leisure. Even though WHTI will inevitably bring logistical challenges, Sen. Voinovich believes that the rule is important for our national security, and he encourages Ohioans to apply now for a WHTI-compliant document if they anticipate the need to visit Canada or another foreign country and re-enter the United States on or after June 1, 2009. These include passports, passport cards, NEXUS cards and enhanced drivers' licenses. More information on these documents and WTHI is available at http://travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.html and http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/travel/trusted_traveler/. Last year, Sen. Voinovich worked with the Department of State to alleviate the passport backlog resulting from implementation of WHTI for air travel. The senator's casework office assisted with more than 1,200 passport cases and helped many families avoid losing money and missing long-planned international trips.

  Working to Protect Great Lakes Beaches

This week, Sen. Voinovich held a news conference at Huntington Beach in Bay Village, Ohio on the Beach Protection Act of 2008 – legislation he introduced earlier this year to increase grants to states for the development and implementation of programs focused on remediating contamination sources. This is a provision not currently covered under the original BEACH Act, which Sen. Voinovich's bill would strengthen. His bill also requires stronger beach water quality testing and public notification standards so beachgoers are better informed about the safety of their beaches. A report released in July by the Natural Resources Defense Council found that Ohio ranked second among all states that have coastal beaches in the percentage of water samples that exceed accepted bacteria levels, including E. coli. Exposure to E. coli can lead to gastroenteritis, dysentery, hepatitis and other illnesses. The environmental groups attribute the bacteria levels to outdated and overwhelmed sewage and water treatment systems. Under the reintroduced BEACH Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is required to work with states to ensure they use the latest science to sample and test beach waters to protect the public's health. The law also helps states set up comprehensive monitoring and notification programs in order to provide up-to-date information on the condition of all public beaches. Additionally, Sen. Voinovich's legislation doubles the authorized grant funding to states from $30 million to $60 million annually through 2012. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee  – of which Sen. Voinovich is a member – will have oversight over the bill which will help our beaches remain healthy and safe and will protect them from the detrimental effects of pollution and sewage contamination after flooding or heavy rainfall.

  Honoring the Legacy of Rep. Gillmor

Recently, Sen. Voinovich attended a ceremony at the post office in Tiffin, Ohio, which was named in honor of U.S. Representative Paul E. Gillmor. After his untimely passing in September 2007, Sen. Voinovich wanted to find a way to honor the legacy of the committed and hard-working legislator for Ohio's 5th Congressional District. In October, Sen. Voinovich introduced legislation to name the post office in Tiffin after Rep. Gillmor. The bill was signed into law by President Bush two months later. Not far from his home town of Old Fort, Ohio, the city of Tiffin was chosen in concurrence with the wishes of his wife, Karen Gillmor. Also, in his commitment to serve all of Ohio's citizens, Sen. Voinovich invited service academy applicants from Ohio's 5th district to contact his office for nominations following Rep. Gillmor's passing. As a long-time friend and colleague, Sen. Voinovich was committed to ensuring his constituency was not deprived of the opportunity to attend a service academy and further serve our country while the office was vacant.

08/28 - Keeping My Promise to Appalachia Ohio
08/11 - Agriculture: Leading the Charge toward Energy Independence
07/29 - Avoid High Travel Costs by Visiting Ohio's Museums

Video: Barack's speech

Obama for America
On Thursday night, August 28th, Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

More than 80,000 people joined him in Denver to be part of the moment, and tens of millions more shared the experience across the country.

Watch Barack's historic speech and share it with your friends and family today:

Watch Barack's speech

This campaign belongs to supporters like you who have built a nationwide movement for change.

Thank you for everything you're doing,

Obama for America


Paid for by Obama for America


Friday, August 29, 2008

I Vote, You Vote


Rock the Vote

Dear FriendsClick to Get Gasoline,

Today Rock the Vote and I are launching a national voter registration drive.

Just for being a part of this incredible organization and making the youth vote movement what it is today, I am giving you a free copy of my new single Gasoline.*

But that's not all... There are such critical issues facing our country, from high gas prices to climate change, that we need to do more than just register to vote, we need to get our friends registered too. If every Rock the Vote member got three friends to register... now that would be an unstoppable political force. So, the first 50,000 of you to get 3 friends to register to vote, I will give you a copy of my new album Detours for free. The entire album.

Click here to get your free song and to send a message to your friends, asking them to register to vote.

Get Free Music

I have been involved with Rock the Vote since its inception, and am proud of the work that you all have done. But now is such a crucial time in our country's history, that I am doing all I can and hope you will too. This is our moment to seize our power regarding the future of our nation and what it stands for. This is our time to Rock the Vote together.

Good luck and enjoy the music.

-Sheryl Crow



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