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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I Was Lucky


Dear Friends,

Help the fight against cancer! Support my ride for the Jimmy Fund.

This one isn't political, but I hope you'll give me a chance to ask you to join me in something bigger than just politics.

One thing I know is that cancer changes you -- whether you have it yourself or know someone who battles it.

I am proud to be a cancer survivor with a clean bill of health since 2003.

Not everyone in my life has been so lucky. The same cancer I had took my father almost seven years ago, and cancer took my former wife-my children's mother-last year.

It's for them, and for all of the people who may get the disease, that I ride in the Pan Mass Challenge again this year -- I hop on my bike this Saturday. This race raises money for cancer research and treatment. We've made great strides in those areas; I'm living proof of that -- but those we all know and love who weren't so lucky remind us we have more miles to go than there are miles in this race.

So, please, go here and support my ride with a pledge of support. Help raise money for this important cause.

The money raised will go to the Jimmy Fund. Anyone who grows up in New England knows all about the Jimmy Fund. As a New Englander, I still remember those photos in the newspaper and those ads between innings -- the images of our heroes Ted Williams and Yaz asking each of us to pitch in to help children struggling to beat cancer. There's a reason The Jimmy Fund sign is there on The Green Monster in Fenway Park, a fact which will be brought home to all of us in Red Sox Nation when Jon Lester pitches from the Fenway mound for the first time very soon on his own courageous comeback journey. This is an outstanding charity that has done decades of important work, and last year this race represented a full 50% of the income of the Jimmy Fund. So this is a very important event for a cornerstone organization in our fight against cancer.

Please help me support the Jimmy Fund.

I've worn a yellow "Live Strong" bracelet since I was given my first one at a rally in Sioux City, Iowa by a woman I will never forget. It's a reminder to me of how lucky I am, and how much more work we need to do. I'll ride on Saturday with thousands of others, leading a team of folks who work in my office, with that woman in Sioux City in mind, as well as all the others affected by cancer.

Thank you,

John Kerry

Company Information
129 Portland Street, Boston, MA, 02114-2014


 Paid For By John Kerry For U.S. Senate

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Weekly Update - Attorney General Lies to Congress - Democrats for America's Future - 07.27.07

Democrats for America's Future

Here are the brand new highlights from the public area of the Democrats for America's Future ...

Republican Outrage of the Week

ATTORNEY GENERAL LIES TO CONGRESS - It's official:  Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales didn't even bother to do a good job when he lied to Congress in testimony this week ...

Plain Talk for Democrats

SEN. LEAHY TO KARL ROVE – COME ON DOWN! - Vermont Sen. Leahy has had enough of the lies, distortions or wrong doing from the Bush Administration.  He has sent a subpoena to Bush White House "mastermind" Karl Rove to testify before Congress on the politically motivated firings of U.S. Attorneys ...

Key Issues to Watch

DEMS CRUSH GOP IN MONEY GAME - Republicans are getting ready to have their you-know-whats kicked in 2008.  And who better to do it than a well-financed Democratic donkey? ...

Given the fact that he was caught lying – again! – to Congress, do you think it is time for Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to resign? Take our poll ...

GOP HAS NO COMPASSION FOR SICK KIDS- It's enough to make you sick. Republicans in the White House and on Capitol Hill can't find any room in their cold, cruel hearts for America's sickest and poorest children...

BUSH POLLS SINKING TO NIXON TERRITORY - You could almost ... but not quite! ... feel sorry for George Bush...


Have a friend who would enjoy receiving the "Weekly Update" from Democrats for America's Future? Go to http://www.americasdemocrats.org/spreadtheword.cfm.


To learn more about Democrats for America's Future go to http://www.americasdemocrats.org/aboutuslvl1.cfm.

To support the important work of DAF, go to http://www.americasdemocrats.org/support.cfm.

Want to read more? By joining Democrats for America's Future, you gain access to the member's area of the DAF Web site. The DAF member's area is updated weekly with dozens of survey findings, updates on key Senate races, opeds and news articles that you need to know about. For more information about joining Democrats for America's Future, go to http://www.americasdemocrats.org/support.cfm. If you already are a member of DAF and are unable to access the member's-only portion of the Web site, send an email to contact@americasdemocrats.org.


Have a friend who would enjoy receiving the "Weekly Update" from Democrats for America's Future? Go to http://www.americasdemocrats.org/spreadtheword.cfm.

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The content of this email is provided for your use and may be excerpted, forwarded or republished as you see fit. Please credit: "Democrats for America's Future - http://www.americasdemocrats.org."

Paid for by Democrats for America's Future. Contributions to DAF are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Want to be removed from this list? Go to http://www.americasdemocrats.org/unsubscribe.cfm and fill out the unsubscribe form.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

beSpacific - July 25, 2007

beSpacific - Accurate, focused law and technology news
By Sabrina I. Pacifici - bespacific@earthlink.net

Free weekday coverage on current issues
July 25, 2007

  • National Task Force Releases New Tools to Protect Cultural Heritage
  • Chairman Waxman Asks About White House Counsel's Knowledge of Potential Presidential Records Act Violations
  • EPA OIG Audit of Projected Pollutant Reductions Resulting from Enforcement Actions and Settlements
  • Pew Internet Project's First Major Report on Online Video
  • New GAO Reports: FDA, IG, Medicaid, SBA, NASA Supplier Base
  • Latest Federal Reserve Board Beige Book
  • Commission Urges Improvements to Servicemembers' Care
  • House Judiciary Reports Contempt Citations to the House of Representatives
  • U.S. Nuclear Weapons Strategy Delivered To Congress
  • America's Top Digital Counties Ranked
  • Government Wide Assessment of Citizen Service Activities Survey
  • Electronic Records Management and Digital Preservation: Protecting the Knowledge Assets of the State Government Enterprise

* National Task Force Releases New Tools to Protect Cultural Heritage
Press release: "A new collection of handy tools designed especially for libraries, archives, museums, historic sites, and historic preservation and arts organizations has been released by the Heritage Emergency National Task Force. The tools are the result of the Task Force's "Lessons Applied" initiative to develop practical applications for the lessons from Hurricane Katrina, such as helping cultural institutions apply for disaster aid and developing relationships with emergency responders...The new tools are available as free downloads." See Lessons Applied: Katrina and Cultural Heritage.
Topic(s): Libraries

* Chairman Waxman Asks About White House Counsel's Knowledge of Potential Presidential Records Act Violations
Press release: "In two separate letters, Chairman Waxman asks when the White House Counsel's office learned about White House officials' use of nongovernmental e-mail accounts for official purposes, and what steps, if any, it took to preserve these records and prevent violations of the Presidential Records Act. A staff report issued by the committee's majority staff in June found that the White House Counsel's office under Alberto Gonzales may have known about officials' use of these accounts as early as 2001 and done nothing to prevent continued use of the accounts for official business. Chairman Waxman asks Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Fred F. Fielding, the current White House Counsel, for information and documents."
  • Letter to Fred Fielding
  • Letter to Attorney General Gonzalez
  • Related postings on investigations into U.S. Attorney firings

  • * EPA OIG Audit of Projected Pollutant Reductions Resulting from Enforcement Actions and Settlements
    2007-B-00002 Assessment of EPA's Projected Pollutant Reductions Resulting from Enforcement Actions and Settlements, [Report PDF - 44 pages] [At a Glance PDF] July 24, 2007.

    * Pew Internet Project's First Major Report on Online Video
    Press release: "The growing adoption of broadband combined with a dramatic push by content providers to promote online video has helped to pave the way for mainstream audiences to embrace online video viewing. Fifty-seven percent of online adults have used the internet to watch or download video, and 19% do so on a typical day. Three-quarters of broadband users (74%) who enjoy high-speed connections at both home and work watch or download video online."
  • Online Video: 57% of internet users have watched videos online and most of them share what they find with others, July 25, 2007
    Topic(s): Internet

  • * New GAO Reports: FDA, IG, Medicaid, SBA, NASA Supplier Base
  • Compact of Free Association: Implementation Activities Have Progressed, but the Marshall Islands Faces Challenges to Achieving Long-Term Compact Goals, GAO-07-1125T, July 25, 2007
  • Environmental Justice: Measurable Benchmarks Needed to Gauge EPA Progress in Correcting Past Problems, GAO-07-1140T, July 25, 2007
  • Food and Drug Administration: Methodologies for Identifying and Allocating Costs of Reviewing Medical Device Applications Are Consistent with Federal Cost Accounting Standards, and Staffing Levels for Reviews Have Generally Increased in Recent Years, GAO-07-882R, June 25, 2007
  • Inspectors General: Opportunities to Enhance Independence and Accountability, GAO-07-1089T, July 11, 2007
  • Long-Term Fiscal Challenge: Additional Transparency and Controls Are Needed, GAO-07-1144T, July 25, 2007
  • Medicaid: States Reported That Citizenship Documentation Requirement Resulted in Enrollment Declines for Eligible Citizens and Posed Administrative Burdens, GAO-07-889, June 28, 2007
  • NASA Supplier Base: Challenges Exist in Transitioning from the Space Shuttle Program to the Next Generation of Human Space Flight Systems, GAO-07-940, July 25, 2007
  • Property Management: Lack of Accountability and Weak Internal Controls Leave NASA Equipment Vulnerable to Loss, Theft, and Misuse, GAO-07-432, June 25, 2007
  • Small Business Administration: Response to the Gulf Coast Hurricanes Highlights Need for Enhanced Disaster Preparedness, GAO-07-1124T, July 25, 2007

  • * Latest Federal Reserve Board Beige Book
    Press release, July 25, 2007: "Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Banks indicated that economic activity continued to expand in June and early July. New York, Richmond, St. Louis, Minneapolis, and San Francisco described the pace of growth as "moderate" while Cleveland and Chicago saw it as "modest." Philadelphia noted that economic conditions improved. Kansas City said the regional economy continued to grow but at a moderating pace, and Dallas characterized its economy as strong but said it decelerated. Boston and Atlanta described business contacts' reports as "varied" or "mixed."
  • Federal Reserve Board, Beige Book, Full Report, July 25, 2007
  • Federal Reserve Board, Beige Book, Summary, July 25, 2007

  • * Commission Urges Improvements to Servicemembers' Care
    Press release: A commission tasked to fix problems with wounded servicemembers' care today presented a 29-page proposal to President Bush that suggests overhauling the disability-rating system and urges more attention be paid to returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans suffering from brain injuries. In the wake of reports that servicemembers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center here were receiving sub-par treatment, President Bush created the bi-partisan panel in March, citing a "moral obligation" to provide the best possible care to men and women in uniform...The final commission report, including reports from subcommittees and survey findings, will be made available to the public by July 31..."
  • Final Report Draft, July 24, 2007: The President's Commission on Care For America's Returning Wounded Warriors

  • * House Judiciary Reports Contempt Citations to the House of Representatives
    Press release: "Today, the House Judiciary Committee sent a report and resolution to the House of Representatives finding former White House Counsel Harriet Miers and White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten in statutory contempt of Congress for failing to respond to the Committee's subpoenas in the U.S. Attorney investigation. The report passed by a vote of 22-17...The full House of Representatives is now required to vote on a contempt resolution before the matter is sent to the District of Columbia's U.S. Attorney for action. The full text of Conyers' letter to Fielding and the Committee's report is here (12 pages, PDF)."
  • Related postings on investigations into U.S. Attorney firings

  • * U.S. Nuclear Weapons Strategy Delivered To Congress
    Press release: "On Friday, 20 July 2007, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates joined with the Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to submit to Congress a three-page statement on U.S. national security and nuclear weapons, entitled Maintaining Deterrence in the 21st Century."

    * America's Top Digital Counties Ranked
    Press release: "The Center for Digital Government has completed 2007's evaluation of America's most digital county governments. This year's Digital Counties Survey found many counties using information technology in increasingly innovative ways and improving service to their citizens...2007's Winners are:
  • 500,000 or more population: 1st: Montgomery County, Maryland
  • 250,000-499,999 population: 1st: Richland County, South Carolina
  • 150,000-249,999 population: 1st: Frederick County, Maryland
  • Less than 150,000 population: 1st: Charles County, Maryland(tie) 1st: Nevada County, California (tie)"
    Topic(s): E-Government

  • * Government Wide Assessment of Citizen Service Activities Survey
    DotGov Buzz: "In a report released July 2, Government-Wide Assessment of Citizen Service Activities, USA Services reveals the results of a survey launched in 2006 to find out how and where federal agencies interact with citizens and to analyze the day-to-day issues agencies face in providing service to citizens...More than 200 offices in 35 federal departments and agencies participated in the survey of citizen service activities in federal agencies."

    * Electronic Records Management and Digital Preservation: Protecting the Knowledge Assets of the State Government Enterprise
    Electronic Records Management and Digital Preservation: Protecting the Knowledge Assets of the State Government Enterprise, PART II: Economic, Legal, and Organizational Issues, July 2007
  • "NASCIO continues its series on electronic records management and digital preservation with Part II which focuses on economic, legal, and organizational issues and recommended actions for State CIOs. Part II builds on the theme that the state CIO and the state enterprise architect will need to view electronic records management and digital preservation as disciplines that comprise an enterprise architecture domain. Partnering with the state's archivists, librarians, and records managers to fully leverage their expertise will help ensure the state's knowledge assets are managed for value with a long term view. eDiscovery and offshoring present significant challenges to the state enterprise. CIOs will need to build their awareness of these subject areas and author necessary compliance and risk management strategies."
  • Electronic Records Management and Digital Preservation: Protecting the Knowledge Assets of the State Government Enterprise, PART I: Background, Principles and Action for State CIOs, May 2007

  • Search beSpacific archives back to September 2002 at http://www.beSpacific.com

    Copyright ©2002-2007 BeSpacific® LLC. All Rights Reserved.
    BeSpacific® LLC, P.O. Box 3554, Silver Spring, Maryland 20918

    some stories about my dad


    Dear Friends,

    I campaigned for my dad back in 2004 on a lot of campuses, and of course, one of the main subjects that many young people talked to me about was Iraq. People in college have had and continue to have friends in Iraq, or know someone who joined the Reserves to pay for college and ended up in Baghdad; I have friends who have served this way also. Knowing this, I've always been especially proud of what my dad did last year, when he stepped out ahead of his party and started demanding we set a deadline to get the troops out of Iraq.

    Now his position has become the unified Democratic position, and I have noticed that a lot of reporters in the last week or so are realizing that fact: John Kerry's position is now the Democratic position. And I just wanted to share a few of those articles with you.

    Over the weekend, the AP wrote an article about how nervous Republicans are getting over Iraq, and included this part about my dad, John Kerry, and his efforts last year to set a deadline to withdraw troops from Iraq:

    Democratic strategists fretted about the impact on senators seeking re-election and challengers to Republicans in swing states.

    The plan drew the support of 13 Democrats.

    "Now it's the unified Democratic position," Kerry correctly e-mailed his supporters last week.

    "In May, Republicans were dismissing even tough questions about the escalation. Now, they're falling all over themselves to distance themselves from the president"

    And the Boston Globe remarked: "Another of his bold moves -- leading the filibuster against confirming Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito -- now looks very smart to liberals, after Alito provided crucial votes to eviscerate liberal positions on school desegregation, late-term abortion, and campaign finance restrictions."

    And the Chicago Tribune does a good job of putting this political fight in the context of my dad's life:

    Few living American politicians have had their lives so defined by war as Kerry. His wartime service and wartime protest stoked his political career in Massachusetts. His military background burnished his credentials among Democrats seeking a nominee to run against an incumbent president during wartime in 2004. And now, in a quieter time, his hair gray and reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, he finds himself again opposing his government's conflict.

    "It's very dismaying to me at this stage of my life and career and being in the Senate, seeing us repeat those mistakes," said Kerry (D-Mass.). "It's very disturbing. We are owed something better than that."

    This fight is far from over, of course, but people like us, who believe that we have to get a new course in Iraq, need to keep up the pressure. It will make a difference as we are beginning to see. My dad will write soon with more everyone can do to help; but I wanted to share those articles and let you know he is continuing to fight everyday and making a difference.


    Vanessa Kerry

    John Kerry For U.S. Senate
    129 Portland Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114-2014

    Paid For By John Kerry For U.S. Senate




    Roadblock Republican Radio Contest



    Your ad can be the one pressuring Republican Senators in some key states. Submit your script as soon as you can write it!

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: the Republicans are feeling the pressure for change on Iraq. But I'm not a patient person. Especially when the lives of our troops are at stake. I refuse to wait around for the Republicans to move without giving them a little more pushing.

    Quite simply, we want to take an unusual step - and we want to do it early. I think we need to run radio ads in the states of the Roadblock Republicans, making it crystal clear that they don't deserve to be reelected because of their continued support for the Bush Doctrine of escalation without end.  We need to turn up the heat even higher.

    It's the pressure of activists and the voice of the people that have gotten us this far in the Iraq debate, not the cookie-cutter ads and thirty second soundbites of Madison Avenue media firms.

    So we decided, why don't we let you speak in this radio campaign?  If user generated content can change presidential debates, I know it can help change the next election on the most pivotal of issues.

    That's why we're running a contest. We want you to send in a script for a 30 second radio spot (that's about 65 words long), we'll whittle it down some to the top 20, and then we'll open up the voting to everyone. The winner that's chosen by the people will be what we air in the states. And we'll fundraise for the airing of that spot, with each of you able to choose with your contribution where you think we should run the ad. No political professionals making the spot, or choosing where to run it. It's all done by you.

    You can make the spot sad, or satirical, or hard-hitting. Whatever you want to do. You can make it a personal story from your life (maybe you know someone in Iraq or have a family member there or maybe you are one of the many veterans in this community), or you can make a factual case on why voters should consider someone else because of this issue, or anything else you'd like. You get it -- it's up to you. And what you do can be the ad that goes on the air targeting the Roadblock Republicans.

    So click here to submit your script.

    You have until midnight ET on Saturday August 11th to get your script in, so get thinking and start writing. And forward this email to everyone you think might be interested in submitting a radio spot to this contest. If you know someone who has a way with words and wants to make a difference, send this along. We'd love to get their scripts.

    Thank you, and let's make sure we get a change in course in Iraq very soon.

    Good luck,

    John Kerry

    John Kerry for U.S. Senate
    129 Portland Street, Suite 500
    Boston, MA 02114-2014


     Paid For By John Kerry For U.S. Senate

    Working together

    The Democratic Party

    Dear Friends,

    Did you see Governor Dean's email?

    The next Democratic Reunion is just two days away -- and you still have a chance to participate.

    People across the country are gathering to make a difference in their hometowns. Democrats in Stockton, California are encouraging shoppers to switch to reusable grocery bags. Democrats in Austin, Texas are cleaning up a nature preserve. And Democrats in Las Vegas, Nevada are holding an energy efficient light bulb drive.

    There are hundreds of events like these taking place this Saturday. If you don't see one in your hometown, you can still plan your own. Just enter your zip code on the website below to get started:


    Thanks for your help. I can't wait to hear how your event goes!


    Tom McMahon
    DNC Executive Director

    Democratic Reunion

    From: Howard Dean

    Subject: Working together

    Dear Tom,

    People-powered politics means more than low-dollar contributions. Together we've demonstrated how much power people have when they connect with one another in their own communities. We did it in 2004 to change the way campaigns run. We did it in 2006 to take back Congress. And now, in 2007, we're going to work as a team to clean up our own communities.

    On July 28th, take an afternoon to clean up a park. Plant a tree. Hold a recycling drive. And while you're there, talk to your neighbors, make new friends, and start planting the seeds for a Democratic victory in 2008.

    Will you host or attend a Democratic Reunion for a cleaner country on July 28th?


    The Democratic Party can do more than raise money and push voters to the polls. When tens of thousands of Democrats come together to say that enough is enough, everybody listens.

    Democrats are fighting to bring our troops home. We're fighting to pass the Employee Free Choice Act to give American workers a voice. We're fighting to pass the Higher Education Act and make a college education affordable for everyone. We're fighting to enact the 9/11 Commission recommendations to make our country safer at home.

    And we're fighting to make our country a cleaner, healthier place for our kids and grandkids.

    Find an event in your hometown, or plan one on your own:


    Last year, the Democratic Party held canvassing events in every state. Then we took it a step further, putting permanent organizers on the ground in all 50 states to build a party that can truly compete everywhere. Those organizers were key to our people-powered victory in 2006, and they'll be key to our victory in 2008.

    Now we're putting our organization to the test. We want to see how many people we can turn out, not to knock on doors, but to clean up our towns.

    I hope you'll be part of it.


    Gov. Howard Dean, M.D.

    P.S. -- Our first sanctioned debate is happening tonight in Charleston, South Carolina. CNN and YouTube have partnered up to help us showcase the Democratic candidates, so be sure to tune in at 7pm eastern. You can also get the latest from South Carolina all night at http://www.democrats.org/debate.

    Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org.
    This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

    Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

    Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.

    DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

    Tuesday, July 24, 2007

    60 Seconds to Save the Earth

    Al Gore

    Dear Friends,

    In order to ultimately force our leaders to take action to solve the climate crisis, we have to use every medium -- including television, radio, and the Internet -- to build public support. And that's just what the Alliance for Climate Protection will do.

    The Alliance is a three-year campaign that will push the climate crisis to the top of the nation's agenda using a combination of paid advertising, public service announcements, and grassroots power.

    Your voices have carried our movement this far. So as we begin to create our media campaigns, I didn't want to only turn to an advertising firm -- I wanted to turn to you.

    If you had 60 seconds to convince all of your friends that they needed to take action to stop the climate crisis, what would you say? How would you get the attention of millions of people all over the world?

    Well, now you have the chance! Current TV and the Alliance for Climate Protection have teamed up to sponsor 60 Seconds to Save the Earth.

    The premise is simple: make the best 15, 30, or 60-second ad showcasing how you or someone you know is taking action to alleviate the climate crisis -- or create an original, persuasive message that will open eyes, inspire change and empower your audience.

    Get the details and create your ad by visiting:


    After you submit your ad, our panel of celebrity judges will narrow the field to 20 finalists. Then you will be able to help pick the winner through an online vote. The top ads will be aired internationally on Current TV, featured in the Alliance's national campaign, and showcased on MySpace's Impact channel.

    In addition, the grand-prize winner will receive a Toyota hybrid car, while three finalists will win Sony electronic products, and 16 semi-finalists will receive T-Mobile Sidekicks.

    So get started -- in 60 seconds you can save the planet. Learn about this incredible contest and submit your ad today by visiting:


    Thank you,

    Al Gore

    You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. View our Privacy Policy

    Monday, July 23, 2007

    Working together


    The Democratic Party
    Democratic Reunion

    Dear Friends,

    People-powered politics means more than low-dollar contributions. Together we've demonstrated how much power people have when they connect with one another in their own communities. We did it in 2004 to change the way campaigns run. We did it in 2006 to take back Congress. And now, in 2007, we're going to work as a team to clean up our own communities.

    On July 28th, take an afternoon to clean up a park. Plant a tree. Hold a recycling drive. And while you're there, talk to your neighbors, make new friends, and start planting the seeds for a Democratic victory in 2008.

    Will you host or attend a Democratic Reunion for a cleaner country on July 28th?


    The Democratic Party can do more than raise money and push voters to the polls. When tens of thousands of Democrats come together to say that enough is enough, everybody listens.

    Democrats are fighting to bring our troops home. We're fighting to pass the Employee Free Choice Act to give American workers a voice. We're fighting to pass the Higher Education Act and make a college education affordable for everyone. We're fighting to enact the 9/11 Commission recommendations to make our country safer at home.

    And we're fighting to make our country a cleaner, healthier place for our kids and grandkids.

    Find an event in your hometown, or plan one on your own:


    Last year, the Democratic Party held canvassing events in every state. Then we took it a step further, putting permanent organizers on the ground in all 50 states to build a party that can truly compete everywhere. Those organizers were key to our people-powered victory in 2006, and they'll be key to our victory in 2008.

    Now we're putting our organization to the test. We want to see how many people we can turn out, not to knock on doors, but to clean up our towns.

    I hope you'll be part of it.


    Gov. Howard Dean, M.D.

    P.S. -- Our first sanctioned debate is happening tonight in Charleston, South Carolina. CNN and YouTube have partnered up to help us showcase the Democratic candidates, so be sure to tune in at 7pm eastern. You can also get the latest from South Carolina all night at http://www.democrats.org/debate.

    Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org.
    This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003

    Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

    Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.

    DNC, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

    beSpacific - July 22, 2007

    beSpacific - Accurate, focused law and technology news
    By Sabrina I. Pacifici - bespacific@earthlink.net

    Free weekday coverage on current issues
    July 22, 2007

    • World Privacy Forum: State Security Freeze Laws and General Information
    • World Privacy Forum's Top Ten Opt Outs
    • Phillipines' Human Security Act of 2007 Now in Effect
    • Employment Rate in the EU27 Rose to 64.4% in 2006
    • Bivings Report: American Newspapers and the Internet: Threat or Opportunity?
    • Agricultural Prices: 2006 Summary
    • Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq
    • UK Inbox-Outbox 2007 Survey

    * World Privacy Forum: State Security Freeze Laws and General Information
    World Privacy Forum: State Security Freeze Laws and General Information, July 22, 2007: "A credit freeze (sometimes called a security freeze) lets you stop the disclosure of your credit report by a credit bureau. If you live in a state with a security freeze law, then you may be able to place a security freeze on your files. (See list of states with security freeze laws)."
    Topic(s): Privacy

    * World Privacy Forum's Top Ten Opt Outs
    World Privacy Forum's Top Ten Opt Outs, July 22, 2007: "This list is a distillation of ideas for opting out that the World Privacy Forum has developed over the years from responding to those questions. The list below does not contain all opt outs that are available. Rather, it contains the opt outs that we believe are the most important and will be the most useful to the most consumers."
    Topic(s): Privacy, E-Government

    * Phillipines' Human Security Act of 2007 Now in Effect
  • "Human Security Act of 2007 - [This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 2137 and House Bill No. 4839 was finally passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on February 8, 2007 and February 19, 2007, respectively.] SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is declared a policy of the State to protect life, liberty, and property from acts of terrorism, to condemn terrorism as inimical and dangerous to the national security of the country and to the welfare of the people, and to make terrorism a crime against the Filipino people, against humanity, and against the law of nations...the Act shall take effect two months after the elections are held in May 2007."

  • * Employment Rate in the EU27 Rose to 64.4% in 2006
    Employment rate in the EU27 rose to 64.4% in 2006: "Summary: In 2006, 214.0 million people aged 15 years or more had a job or a business activity in the EU27. The total employment rate for people aged 15-64 was 64.4% in 2006, compared with 62.2% in 2000 and 63.4% in 2005. The employment rate for women was 57.2% in 2006, compared with 53.7% in 2000 and 56.0% in 2005, and the rate for older people, i.e. those aged 55-64, was 43.5%, up from 36.9% in 2000 and 42.2% in 2005."

    * Bivings Report: American Newspapers and the Internet: Threat or Opportunity?
    Posted on July 19, 2007, By Erin Teeling in Newspaper Study, Bivings, Research (TBG): "We have recently completed the 2007 study of America's top 100 newspaper websites, entitled American Newspapers and the Internet; Threat or Opportunity? As the newspaper industry continues to suffer declines in readership and circulation, using the Internet to expand a newspaper's reach is becoming more and more important. While many industry experts fear that the Internet will spell the end of newspapers as we know them, our team here at TBG feels that the Internet presents newspapers with a unique opportunity to make up for lost circulation and readership. This study explores these concepts, as well as the difficulties facing newspapers regarding online advertising, shrinking staffs, and reaching out to consumers...research data is available in Excel format here."

    * Agricultural Prices: 2006 Summary
    Agricultural Prices 2006 Summary, July 20, 2007 (239 pages, PDF): "The 47th Annual Summary of Agricultural Prices contains prices farmers received for commodities sold as well as prices paid for production input goods and services. Prices are weighted and aggregated into price indexes. These indexes provide measures of relative price changes for agricultural outputs and inputs. The State, Regional, and U.S. average prices for agricultural commodities and farm production inputs are based on voluntary reports from agri-business firms, merchants, dealers, and farmers throughout the Nation. These data are collected at regular intervals using mailed inquiries, telephone, and personal enumeration."

    * Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq
  • President George W. Bush - Message to the Congress of the United States Regarding International Emergency Economic Powers Act, July 17, 2007: "Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, as amended (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.)(IEEPA), I hereby report that I have issued an Executive Order blocking property of persons determined to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing, an act or acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of threatening the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of Iraq or undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people...My new order takes additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13303 and expanded in Executive Order 13315 by blocking the property and interests in property of persons determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, to have committed, or to pose a significant risk of committing, an act or acts of violence that have the purpose or effect of threatening the peace or stability of Iraq or the Government of Iraq or undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq or to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people."
  • Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq, July 17, 2007

  • * UK Inbox-Outbox 2007 Survey
    "Over 50 per cent of UK business users are unable to walk away from their emails when on holiday or off sick, according to new research announced at the Inbox/Outbox 2007 event." Ian Williams, vnunet.com 20 Jul 2007
  • Mesmo Consultancy: Inbox-Outbox 2007 Survey, Summary of Findings

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